Friday, July 8, 2011

Uva Online Judge Solutions

There is a big disadvantage about online judges.

You know the correct algorithm, but a newline character or a space may change the result from "Accepted" to "Wrong". Since the outputs of your program are checked with the correct ones, you can't be sure if there is a problem in your solution algorithmically.

Those times, you have to check your solutions with others to ensure your algorithm. And here I give you a site with full of uva problem set solutions. The site is founded by two college students to have a repository of solutions during ACM ICPC preperation.

Uva Online Judge hints and algorithmic solutions are @ 

They are inspired by Steven Halim's World of Seven, which is another website for the solutions or better to say solution hints. 

You can browse solutions to the Uva Online Judge Problems with a single click including
 #104 - Arbitrage, #106 - Fermat vs. Pythagoras, #107 - The Cat in the Hat, #108 - Maximum Sum, #109 - SCUD Busters, #115 - Climbing Trees, #116 - Unidirectional TSP, #122 - Trees on the level, #123 - Searching Quickly, #124 - Following Orders, #130 - Roman Roulette, #133 - The Dole Queue, #140 - Bandwidth, #144 - Student Grants, #145 - Gondwanaland Telecom, #147 - Dollars, #153 - Permalex, #155 - All Squares, #161 - Traffic Lights, #167 - The Sultan's Successors, #170 - Clock Patience, #190 - Circle Through Three Points, #191 - Intersection, #195 - Anagram, #200 - Rare Order, #202 - Repeating Decimals, #216 - Getting In Line, #253 - Cube painting, #254 - Towers of Hanoi, #260 - Il Gioco dell'X, #270 - Lining Up, #271 - Simply Syntax, #275 - Expanding Fractions, #294 - Divisors, #296 - Safebreaker, #297 - Quadtrees, #300 - Maya Calendar, #315 - Network, #332 - Rational Numbers from Repeating Fractions, #336 - A Node Too Far, #337 - Interpreting Control Sequences, #340 - Master-Mind Hints, #341 - Non-Stop Travel, #343 - What Base Is This?, #344 - Roman Digititis, #346 - Getting Chorded, #348 - Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence, #356 - Square Pegs And Round Holes, #357 - Let Me Count The Ways, #371 - Ackermann Functions, #377 - Cowculations, #378 - Intersecting Lines, #386 - Perfect Cubes, #389 - Basically Speaking, #408 - Uniform Generator, #413 - Up and Down Sequences, #429 - Word Transformation, #437 - The Tower of Babylon, #438 - The Circumference of the Circle, #441 - Lotto, #442 - Matrix Chain Multiplication, #448 - OOPS!, #455 - Periodic Strings, #457 - Linear Cellular Automata, #459 - Graph Connectivity, #465 - Overflow, #469 - Wetlands of Florida, #474 - Heads / Tails Probability, #481 - What Goes Up, #482 - Permutation Arrays, #485 - Pascal's Triangle of Death, #487 - Strategic Defense Initiative, #489 - Hangman Judge, #492 - Pig-Latin, #498 - Polly the Polynomial, #501 - Black Box, #507 - Jill Rides Again, #514 - Rails, #515 - King, #516 - Prime Land, #524 - Prime Ring Problem, #531 - Compromise, #534 - Frogger, #536 - Tree Recovery, #537 - Artificial Intelligence?, #539 - The Settlers of Catan, #540 - Team Queue, #541 - Error Correction, #542 - France '98, #543 - Goldbach's Conjecture, #557 - Burger, #558 - Wormholes, #562 - Dividing coins, #571 - Jugs, #574 - Sum It Up, #580 - Critical Mass, #583 - Prime Factors, #587 - There's treasure everywhere!, #590 - Always on the run, #594 - One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians, #601 - The PATH, #602 - What Day Is It?, #608 - Counterfeit Dollar, #615 - Is It A Tree?, #619 - Numerically Speaking, #620 - Cellular Structure, #621 - Secret Research, #624 - CD, #637 - Booklet Printing, #639 - Don't Get Rooked, #642 - Word Amalgamation, #644 - Immediate Decodability, #657 - The die is cast, #661 - Blowing Fuses, #673 - Parentheses Balance, #674 - Coin Change, #675 - Convex Hull of the Polygon, #701 - The Archeologists' Dilemma, #729 - The Hamming Distance Problem, #739 - Soundex Indexing, #740 - Baudot Data Communication Code, #748 - Exponentiation, #750 - 8 Queens Chess Problem, #753 - A Plug for UNIX, #763 - Fibinary Numbers, #782 - Contour Painting, #784 - Maze Exploration, #785 - Grid Colouring, #820 - Internet Bandwidth, #821 - Page Hopping, #825 - Walking on the Safe Side, #836 - Largest Submatrix, #843 - Crypt Kicker, #846 - Steps, #847 - Multiplication Game, #850 - Crypt Kicker II, #872 - Ordering, #991 - Safe Salutations, #10000 - Longest Paths, #10002 - Center of Masses, #10003 - Cutting Sticks, #10007 - Count the Trees, #10009 - All Roads Lead Where?, #10010 - Where's Waldorf?, #10012 - How Big Is It?, #10014 - Simple Calculations, #10015 - Joseph's Cousin, #10017 - The Never Ending Towers of Hanoi, #10023 - Square root, #10025 - The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem, #10026 - Shoemaker's Problem, #10033 - Interpreter, #10034 - Freckles, #10036 - Divisibility, #10042 - Smith Numbers, #10044 - Erdos Numbers, #10048 - Audiophobia, #10049 - Self-describing Sequence, #10051 - Tower of Cubes, #10056 - What is the Probability?, #10057 - A mid-summer night's dream., #10067 - Playing with Wheels, #10069 - Distinct Subsequences, #10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ..., #10074 - Take the Land, #10077 - The Stern-Brocot Number System, #10078 - The Art Gallery, #10080 - Gopher II, #10081 - Tight Words, #10099 - The Tourist Guide, #10100 - Longest Match, #10102 - The path in the colored field, #10104 - Euclid Problem, #10105 - Polynomial Coefficients, #10107 - What is the Median?, #10111 - Find the Winning Move, #10112 - Myacm Triangles, #10115 - Automatic Editing, #10116 - Robot Motion, #10125 - Sumsets, #10128 - Queue, #10129 - Play on Words, #10131 - Is Bigger Smarter?, #10137 - The Trip, #10139 - Factovisors, #10141 - Request for Proposal, #10142 - Australian Voting, #10150 - Doublets, #10152 - ShellSort, #10161 - Ant on a Chessboard, #10162 - Last Digit, #10165 - Stone Game, #10167 - Birthday Cake, #10168 - Summation of Four Primes, #10169 - Urn-ball Probabilities !, #10170 - The Hotel with Infinite Rooms, #10176 - Ocean Deep ! - Make it shallow !!, #10179 - Irreducable Basic Fractions, #10182 - Bee Maja, #10183 - How Many Fibs?, #10188 - Automated Judge Script, #10190 - Divide, But Not Quite Conquer!, #10191 - Longest Nap, #10192 - Vacation, #10196 - Check The Check, #10197 - Learning Portuguese, #10199 - Tourist Guide, #10200 - Prime Time, #10205 - Stack 'em Up, #10212 - The Last Non-zero Digit., #10213 - How Many Pieces of Land ?, #10219 - Find the ways !, #10221 - Satellites, #10223 - How many nodes ?, #10229 - Modular Fibonacci, #10235 - Simply Emirp, #10238 - Throw the Dice, #10242 - Fourth Point !!, #10245 - The Closest Pair Problem, #10250 - The Other Two Trees, #10258 - Contest Scoreboard, #10262 - Suffidromes, #10267 - Graphical Editor, #10269 - Adventure of Super Mario, #10278 - Fire Station, #10281 - Average Speed, #10285 - Longest Run on a Snowboard, #10286 - Trouble with a Pentagon, #10295 - Hay Points, #10297 - Beavergnaw, #10301 - Rings and Glue, #10303 - How Many Trees?, #10304 - Optimal Binary Search Tree, #10305 - Ordering Tasks, #10315 - Poker Hands, #10324 - Zeros and Ones, #10330 - Power Transmission, #10347 - Medians, #10361 - Automatic Poetry, #10369 - Arctic Network, #10375 - Choose and divide, #10392 - Factoring Large Numbers, #10394 - Twin Primes, #10397 - Connect the Campus, #10404 - Bachet's Game, #10407 - Simple division, #10417 - Gift Exchanging, #10450 - World Cup Noise, #10465 - Homer Simpson, #10473 - Simple Base Conversion, #10474 - Where is the Marble?, #10479 - Then Hendrie Sequence, #10487 - Closest Sums, #10489 - Boxes of Chocolates, #10491 - Cows and Cars, #10499 - The Land of Justice, #10502 - Counting Rectangles, #10508 - Word Morphing, #10509 - R U Kidding Mr. Feynman?, #10533 - Digit Primes, #10534 - Wavio Sequence, #10550 - Combination Lock, #10557 - XYZZY, #10566 - Crossed Ladders, #10573 - Geometry Paradox, #10579 - Fibonacci Numbers, #10583 - Ubiquitous Religions, #10591 - Happy Number, #10594 - Data Flow, #10602 - Editor Nottoobad, #10603 - Fill, #10610 - Gopher and Hawks, #10611 - The Playboy Chimp, #10618 - Tango Tango Insurrection, #10622 - Perfect P-th Powers, #10633 - Rare Easy Problem, #10642 - Can You Solve It?, #10651 - Pebble Solitaire, #10673 - Play with Floor and Ceil, #10678 - The Grazing Cow, #10680 - LCM, #10684 - The jackpot, #10699 - Count the factors, #10700 - Camel trading, #10701 - Pre, in and post, #10717 - Mint, #10739 - String to Palindrome, #10763 - Foreign Exchange, #10773 - Back to Intermediate Math, #10784 - Diagonal, #10789 - Prime Frequency, #10790 - How Many Points Of Intersection?, #10791 - Minimum Sum LCM, #10798 - Be wary of Roses, #10801 - Lift Hopping, #10820 - Send a Table, #10838 - The Pawn Chess, #10879 - Code Refactoring, #10891 - Game of Sum, #10900 - So you want to be a 2n-aire?, #10908 - Largest Square, #10910 - Marks Distribution, #10918 - Tri Tiling, #10926 - How Many Dependencies?, #10931 - Parity, #10945 - Mother Bear, #10946 - You want what filled?, #10954 - Add All, #10970 - Big Chocolate, #10986 - Sending email, #11003 - Boxes, #11005 - Cheapest Base, #11040 - Add bricks in the wall, #11044 - Searching for Nessy, #11045 - My T-shirt suits me, #11057 - Exact Sum, #11108 - Tautology, #11110 - Equidivisions, #11111 - Generalized Matrioshkas, #11121 - Base -2, #11137 - Ingenuous Cubrency, #11150 - Cola, #11152 - Colourful Flowers, #11168 - Airport, #11181 - Probability|Given, #11202 - The least possible effort, #11203 - Can you decide it for ME?, #11205 - The broken pedometer, #11223 - O: dah dah dah!, #11244 - Counting Stars, #11292 - Dragon of Loowater, #11309 - Counting Chaos, #11310 - Delivery Debacle, #11313 - Gourmet Games, #11403 - Binary Multiplication, #11407 - Squares, #11412 - Dig the Holes, #11420 - Chest of Drawers, #11428 - Cubes, #11437 - Triangle Fun, #11448 - Who said crisis?, #11450 - Wedding shopping, #11452 - Dancing the Cheeky-Cheeky, #11455 - Behold my quadrangle, #11458 - Hot Spot, #11463 - Commandos, #11500 - Vampires, #11503 - Virtual Friends, #11506 - Angry Programmer, #11507 - Bender B. RodrĂ­guez Problem, #11508 - Life on Mars?, #11515 - Cranes, #11518 - Dominos 2, #11520 - Fill the Square, #11530 - SMS Typing, #11541 - Decoding, #11554 - Hapless Hedonism, #11556 - Best Compression Ever, #11560 - Fixing the Bugs, #11646 - Athletics Track, #11700 - Pipes, #11703 - sqrt log sin, #11715 - Car, #11749 - Poor Trade Advisor, #11843 - Guessing Game, #11849 - CD, #11850 - Alaska, #11854 - Egypt

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